Useful Phone Apps

As we all know the lock-down has been extended due to critical condition of the country. The cases are rising up day by day continuously which is a serious issue. Our contribution to the country is just to stay at home and stop the Corona Virus to spread. 
Are you exhausted sitting ideal whole day at home?  Don't worry i have come up with few useful apps where u can learn Coding of C++, Python and also different languages like Korean, Spanish and many more of your choice. 

Solo learn is a series of free apps where you are allowed to learn a variety of programming languages and concepts through short lesson, quizzes and code challenges. The lessons are written keeping beginner in mind, so anyone can learn to read and write their own code. 

Tubestudy is an online learning platform where you can learn hundreds of courses taught by excellent instructors. All courses are free, you can opt any course which is worth learning.


Do you like to know about interesting facts which are real then here is the app “ World’s amazing facts” app where u can know facts regarding Animal facts, Unbelievable facts, Weird facts, Human body facts, Nutrition facts, Science facts and lot more.

Are you a K-POP fan? Do you like watching Thai series? Do you love Spanish songs? Aren’t you an admirer or romantic French movies? Then here is the perfect app "DUOLINGO" for you to learn various foreign languages at home which is easier than you expect it to be.

 This app is aimed at people of any age and especially for children. It will help you to develop many useful skills as well as you can also compete in knowledge of map. STUDYGE app is not regular educational game but has lot of interactive elements that make learning process much easier. This application contains
World map with 229 countries
Countries flags
Trivia contents

Detailed information about the country such as language spoken in a given country, population of the country, country currency, form of government.

StudyGe - Geography, capitals, flags, countries Apk Download ...


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